Write a Transaction Function

This page walks you through writing a transaction function that initializes our resource object.

If you've followed the Define a Resource tutorial, you will have the basic building blocks to write a transaction function. Visit the "LEARN" section to read up on applications and the different interface function types.

We're creating a new file which we're calling Transaction.juvix. Here, we will write functions which will ultimately initialize our Resource and build the transaction necessary to create the Resource. Essentially, this is achieve in 5 consecutive steps. We first write a function prepareTransaction which passes back an object of type Transaction. We then write an initialize function which makes use of the prepared transaction object. Next, we construct our standard inputs and stitch together the standard inputs and initialize function as a fourth step. Finally, we create a main function which return a TransactionRequest object.

Alright, let's start with preparing the Transaction object:

module Transaction;

import Anoma open;
import Applib open;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;

import Anoma.State.CommitmentTree open;
import Resource open;
import BaseLayer.TransactionRequest open;

--- Prepares a transaction object from lists of consumed and created resoruces.
--- @param consumed The resources to be consumed in this transaction.
--- @param created The resources to be created in this transaction.
--- @return The prepared transaction object.
prepareTransaction (consumed created : List Resource) : Transaction :=
    actions :=

Our prepareTransaction function now takes two lists of resources, one for consumed and one for created resources, and returns an object of type Transaction. In the process, we use the mkTransactionHelper which hides some complexity while we can just pass it the actions that are involved in the transaction, here just consumed and created resources.

The Applib library hides away some of the complexities of building Resources and Transactions using Anoma. You can still introspect what's happening by looking at the function definiton (in VSCode, use e.g. F12 to maneuver there directly).

Next, we write the initialize function:

--- Initializes a HelloWorld resource by consuming an ephemeral one.
--- @param standardInputs The standard inputs (caller, currentRoot, and randSeed).
--- @return The transaction object initializing a HelloWorld resource.
initialize (standardInputs : StandardInputs) : Transaction :=
    (nonce1, nonce2) :=
      generateNoncePair (StandardInputs.randSeed standardInputs);
  in prepareTransaction@{
       consumed :=
             nonce := nonce1;
             ephemeral := true;
       created :=
             nonce := nonce2;
             ephemeral := false;

This function takes a parameter standardInputs, computes nonces using the randSeed of provided standardInputs, and then injects those nonces into the two HelloWorld resources which we, in turn, pass into the prepareTransaction function to receive back a Transaction object.

Note, that there is a distinct difference between the consumed and create HelloWorld resources: The consumed resource is ephemeral (which means that it exists only over the course of the transaction). The created HelloWorld resource is non-ephemeral, which in this context makes sense as we want this resource to be created.

This is the most complex code in this tutorial, so take your time to understand how the HelloWorld resource gets initialized. You can also take a look at the mkTransactionHelper and mkActionHelper to see what is happening under the hood.

Let's continue with the standard inputs which we will pass into our initialize function in the next step.

std : StandardInputs :=
    caller := Universal.identity;
    currentRoot := mkRoot 0;
    randSeed := 0;

Please mind that all these values are default values. The Universal.Indentity is an identity generated from the 0 seed and as you can tell, both currentRoot and randSeed are 0 as well.

These default values are artifacts of the current devnet implementation.

From now, it's pretty straightforward. We pass the standard inputs which we just defined into the initialize function from before.

tx : Transaction := initialize std;

And now we can finish the transaction file with the main function which creates the resulting TransactionRequest object from our constructed transaction.

main : TransactionRequest := TransactionRequest.fromTransaction tx; 

The completed code of our Transaction.juvix file should look like the following:

See the complete Transaction.juvix file.
module Transaction;

import Anoma open;
import Applib open;
import Stdlib.Prelude open;

import Anoma.State.CommitmentTree open;
import Resource open;
import BaseLayer.TransactionRequest open;

initialize (standardInputs : StandardInputs) : Transaction :=
    (nonce1, nonce2) :=
      generateNoncePair (StandardInputs.randSeed standardInputs);
  in prepareTransaction@{
       consumed :=
             nonce := nonce1;
             ephemeral := true;
       created :=
             nonce := nonce2;
             ephemeral := false;

prepareTransaction (consumed created : List Resource) : Transaction :=
    actions :=

std : StandardInputs :=
    caller := Universal.identity;
    currentRoot := mkRoot 0;
    randSeed := 0;

tx : Transaction := initialize std;

main : TransactionRequest := TransactionRequest.fromTransaction tx;

In the following chapter, we will compile and "deploy" our code locally.

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